Crafting God Space

Thursday, 27 September 2018 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM MST

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Thursday, 27 September 2018 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM MST

This study will be a little different than a normal bible study as every week we will be creating some sort of craft while we are meeting during our bible study. The weekly bible study will be more of an open discussion in challenging and encouraging one another while we bond through a love of crafting together. 

In this day and age, it seems so easy to be wrapped up in ourselves - to be so focused on our own agendas that we forget to respond (or simply ignore) to God's little nudges of pushing us to reach out to others. Sure, you may hear him say, "hey you, why don't you go talk to that young mother sitting down the row from you..." but somehow God's voice gets covered up with the lies of "who do you think you are that you have anything to offer her" or "you don't know anything about her, why would you talk to her?" Or maybe God is urging you to dive a little deeper with coworker and talk about your faith, but you think to yourself how unqualified you may be and what if they ask you a question that you can't answer....or what if they just completely blow you off and think you are a crazy Jesus freak? Maybe your heart has been yearning for a loved one to be saved or come back to Jesus but you just don't know how to have a conversation with them. 

So, how do we naturally create room for spiritual conversations in our every day lives? This is exactly what this study is going to dive into. Through the book, God Space, and a love for doing anything crafty, we are going to practice creating God space in our every day lives.

The Feed Store Church 719-852-2361

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